Tuesday, April 22, 2014


So from the very beginning the chase starts
Whether you know it or not
The chase of becoming immortality
To reach the highest place on earth
To make permanent impression in someone heart

We keep trying
Some get failed and some succeed
To make an everlasting imprint
All follow their own unique path
To make the life comfortable and easy

But life never stops taking our exams
Whether we accept it or not
Whether we fall on knee or stand on foot
Crawl on ground or fly on sky
It’s totally depend on us

We must not lose our enthusiasm towards life
I know it make us fall every time we stand
It makes us shout every time we keep quiet
Life is so cruel, no one loves it
But we must try to collect every little happiness we get in our way
To build our surrounding a better place

We must not leave the chase
To grow in a better human being
To help other in a better way
To fulfill our little dreams
To get the excel in life
We must not leave the chase.

Poem By Sandeep

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