Thursday, August 31, 2017


Promise me, you will never cry
Promise me, you will go ahead
Just forget me now
I was your beautiful past

That you never came across
I will always love you
Though you cannot see
As you are bounded in my love
So helpless and defeated

I want to make you free
I want to let you go
To achieve your desire
To follow your dream

Because I believe in you
And have faith that
You will return one day
Just for me!!!

Poem by Sandeep


I cannot sleep
Until I feel her touch
She is my adorable doll
She is pretty with
Very noble thoughts

Waiting for her
The whole night
As she was busy
I had a sleepless night

I had planned everything in advance
Where to kiss her
How to hold her
How to excite her

Now as she is lying next to me
I starred at her beautiful face as she asleep 
Feeling peace as my heart is connected to hers 
We both fall into deep sleep.

Poem by Sandeep


Take me away
From this body
Where you all follow rules
To the mystic power relies 

Mix me with some of them
Fulfill my inner desire
Want to see the truth
Forever mesmerize

Go and find that place
Underground profits
To relax a bit
And then demise

Minute is all I mean
Concentrate focus nil
Forming neglected piece
Scattered energy least

Blind our eyes
Mind speaks soul
Voice is engulfed
Rationalised form

Poem by Sandeep

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