Sunday, September 1, 2019





Thursday, February 21, 2019


logical thinking

Think Before You Think... ????

In mind thousand thoughts comes to us, every small aspect and all useless.
If we count and consciously think its all trivial things. We should skip all unwanted and illogical thoughts from brain then their comes we can focus on main problems and try to get the solution.

Few steps to conquer your mind over illogical thoughts:

  1. Give them the priority based on the amount of trouble causing you.
  2. Try to find out the main reason that causing it, 
  3. Ways it can be solved, whats in your hand, what you can do it to get it over.
  4. If you don’t get any idea, ask or suggest with someone close who can help you in that regard or ask for some advice from you friends.
  5. Sit somewhere alone and analyse the thoughts, you are alone self sufficient to get the solution. 
  6. Don’t fear try to do different things, but you must have a bit of confidence in that. If you fail it will be learning, that why you failed and that steps can be taken later on and if you succeed it will boost your confidence.

Personally I prefer to "Sit With Yourself" is the best way to get rid of any unwanted and typical situations. 

It is too crushingly important. You have to learn to sit with yourself. There are so many things being taught. We are told to love ourselves first and that no one can love us unless we do this, but when do we listen?
Being alone has always been one of my greatest, underlying fears. In fact, it was all consuming in extended periods of my life. I have stayed in relationships and in friendships with people simply because they were company, a place I could use to escape from myself.
 It is much easier to submerge ourselves into the muddy waters of others than to wade through our own. So I drowned myself there, constantly prying open the eyes of those around me while simultaneously shutting mine.
But I needed to fall. I needed to stop the chase; and stuck floating through my rabbit hole, I forced myself to figure out these questions. Who was I? What did I want and what did I need ?
I had to learn that sometimes love will never be enough, especially if it’s the kind you just settle for. Especially if it’s used to complete you. You have to learn to complete yourself.
I had to learn that when we feel something, even when it is negative, even when it hurts so bad that its nauseating, strangulating, we have to allow ourselves sufficient time to feel it. We have to soak in it, relish in it. And though it always seems never-ending, through it we are becoming. We have to let ourselves not be cucumbers but little shriveled up pickles of emotions that prove that we are alive- and thriving. 
You have to learn to sit with yourself. Young adults are consistently brainwashed by the thoughts and ideas of their parents or their TV screens or the advertisements thrown at them daily.
 The real issue is that some people do not even notice it. They just glide through the motions of things. Just tell themselves they’re okay. They never really sit with themselves. They never figure it out. 
What a terrible, terrible way to exist. What a horrible flat line to ride. We cannot let that die. My life changed forever when I read those words: “I had to sit with myself.” But I changed them again slightly. I told myself I had to learn. 
I’m telling you — you have to learn. Because it is not easy. But it’s essential. It is crucial. It is the only way you’ll ever make it through this hell on earth. Learn to sit with yourself. Learn to love yourself first. You are the only you in the world, and when you think about that… Really, think about that… That’s Surreal and boost you up.

Article By Sandeep

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Love is always true and pure
It’s beyond someone’s imagination
It’s so infinite and supreme
Everyone try to reach its prime

It gives chance to everyone
To reach in depth and prove
That its not sophisticated and rude
Just need a gentle care and true

It’s the involvement of feelings
So deep rooted and fulfilling
Understanding makes it prosper
Fulfilling all desire i prefer

Emotions are strongly attached
Whether you live separate or together
In your happy or gloomy days 
It will ever remain possible prospect

Don’t ever bring your ego in between
That will rust and made soil in no time
It’s so fragile as well as so tough
Can hold your soul after million years gone.

( I hope you like it, Please encourage by sharing :)

Poem By : Sandeep

Friday, February 15, 2019


What happened to humanity ?
 Why someone try to kill own ?
Those who protect and save
From the infiltrators side border

Why are you getting brain washed ?
To kill your protectors who are also 
Sons, brothers, husband and father to someone
For your safety always ready with gun

How can you even think going
against the nation which feed you ?
Against the nation which gives you identity
So many memories spent with beautiful family

When you ever thought of killing people 
Without caring of himself getting killed ?
It’s a bloody game and total sin to kill
You will never get “Jannat” but hell

No religion teach us to harm other
Giving others tears you cannot be happy
Making so many families life miserable
Their tattered heart giving omen innumerable


 Poem by :  Sandeep

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